Meditation Practices

How to Practice Shamatha Meditation

Shamatha meditation is the foundation of Buddhist practice. Lama Rod Owens teaches us a version from the Vajrayana tradition.

Lama Rod Owens


Other Ways to Practice Meditation

You can bring the mind of meditation to any experience. Konda Mason explains how.

Need to Heal? Find a Tree

Tree meditation, says Lin Wang Gordon, is a way to strengthen our connection with nature and deepen our understanding of difficult emotions like grief.

5 Meditations on the Breath

From getting to sleep to completely waking up, working with your breath offers practical and profound benefits.

How to Do Walking Meditation

Arinna Weisman and Jean Smith shed light on a common yet often misunderstood meditative practice, via simple-to-follow instructions.

Incense in a shrine room.

How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation

This basic mindfulness meditation from Zen teacher James Ishmael Ford offers a great practice to start your day.

Meditation cushion

How to Start a Home Meditation Practice

Zen teacher Norman Fischer proposes a two-week trial run to get your meditation practice started and looks at how to deal with some of the obstacles you may encounter.

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